So, go to your local CVS, Walgreens or Walmart and pick up a couple packages of Peeps and some toothpicks and then call your local bookie while you run to the nearest Microwave. It's time for Peeps Wars!
Peep Wars is a lot of fun, especially if you get a good group of friends together, as we did last night, and then haggle over the rules of the game. So to set the record straight, I turned to the ever trustworthy Wikepedia to get the real scoop.
As explained by Wikepedia:
As explained by Wikepedia:
"The messy and largely self-entertaining game, "Peep Jousting" is played with a microwave. One takes two Peeps, and licks the right-hand side of each until sticky. A toothpick is thereby adhered to each Peep, pointing forward like a jousting lance. The Peeps are then set in a microwave, squared off against one another, and heated up. As they expand, the toothpick lances thrust toward each opponent, and the winner is the one that does not pop and deflate. There have been many confirmed deaths of peeps. Ties (both fatal and harmless) are common. Both usually are eaten after the competition, however, regardless who the victor was, calling into question the nature of "winning" in such a circumstance."
So folks, there you have it - the rules of the game so now you too can play!
Oh and if you want to really explore the hidden dark world of peeps, take a look at this. I didn't know Peeps were so popular! Have fun and remember kids, its all fun and games until someone loses an eye or gets a sugar high!