Monday, January 14, 2008

Guns don't kill people, but they sure do help......

In the words of my beloved wife:

First of all…. Why would you want to kill this…..

Secondly, how do you keep from pooping yourself when you see this monster coming at you?!?!!

Don't get us wrong, we're all for supporting the right to bear arms and hunt; however we'd rather the hunting be for the food rather than solely the sport. This shmuck probably just did this for bragging rights. (He's also lucky the bear didn't knock him into another time zone.)
The other issue at hand is why would you want to attempt to kill this by yourself with a single shot rifle? I'd like to know how this guy actually killed the bear.

1 comment:

girlski said...

You wouldn't just have a single shot. Either you would go in a group or have a handgun in addition to your hunting rifle. Many of these guys go with guides.