Wednesday, August 22, 2007

I believe in supporting the American farmer - whatever it takes.

Interesting article in today’s Christian Science Monitor.

From rock cocaine to watermelons, these felons are finally putting in an honest days work on family farms throughout the West. As farmers are continuously put under increased Federal pressure to not hire ‘undocumented’ workers, farmers have begun using inmates to help bring in the harvest. While it is not exactly the best solution to the problem, it is nonetheless a potential answer to the diminishing pool of laborers not afraid to get their hands dirty.

One thing that caught my attention in this article was that the unions are horrified at the notion that farmers are even considering using felons. Give me a break, how many ‘documented’ workers or non incarcerated persons are you going to find that would be willing to work a 10 hour day in 100 degree heat doing real farming? Even if you pay them twice the minimum wage? Not very many.


Hero to the Masses said...

Just like they pay the farmers not to grow....are they going to pay the felons not to work?

Ethanol rules!!!!

The Ten Angry Men said...

We'd rather felons stay behind bars breaking rocks, where they belong.

or if you're so concerned about the environment, have them break soy rocks all day.