Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Al's Own “Inconvenient Truth”

Interesting article forwarded to me today. I wonder if Leo would have acted differently towards Gore at the Academy Awards if he knew about this......hmmm....naw, probably not, all those that agree with Gore are all driving gas guzzling SUVs or fancy sports cars and not environmently friendly automobiles.


Hero to the Masses said...

You're seriously citing the Tennessee Center for Policy Research?

I mean seriously?

boyski said...

What's wrong with the great state of Tennessee? C'mon!

boyski said...

By the way, turn on the news you goober! This story is being reported all over.

The Ten Angry Men said...

This complaint coming from a man who judges the efficiency of his refrigerator by how much "throw weight" it has ...

Why is this a surprise to anyone? Have you seen Al Gore lately? Clearly all that juice is being used to power his electric cheese slicer and his industrial-strength deep fry machine.