Tuesday, February 13, 2007

“McCain is yesterday, Giuliani is today, Romney is tomorrow”

Today Mitt Romney, retired Governor of Massachusetts, announced that he is running for president. After giving his “Here I Am” speech today in Michigan, Mitt Romney has officially entered the race for the U.S. Presidency.

In the last 44 years since Massachusetts provided the last U.S. Senator elected president, 35 sitting senators and governors have sought, with varying degrees of seriousness, presidential nominations. This upcoming election, Mitt has a decent shot of securing such nomination. Mitt's time in Massachusetts has given him the proven ability to govern across America’s increasingly vast political divide (come on this is Massachusetts!) As the lone red dot in the bluest of blue states, he has proven himself, rather difficulty, that he is able to make things happen in a partisan environment by providing health care for all, balancing the state budget, and reorganizing the state’s workforce.

Additionally, what I like most of all, is that he’ s a self made business man, has a loving productive family, and is a man of great personal character (no skeletons in this guys closet folks – in fact he saved people from drowning in New Hampshire!) Oh and let’s not forget about what he did with the Winter Olympics and his accomplishments in the private sector. This is important because out of all the candidates (both sides) for president thus far, Mitt is the only successful business man. Such a background will help as he’ll have something else to talk about besides being a politician all his life. Heck, he even looks presidential.

It’s also interesting that we can’t pick the Republican nominee out of the “litter” as of yet. Generally, one can usually predict the Republican nominee two to three years out somewhat reliably. And this lack of an identified nominee is what I believe gives Mitt a real chance at securing the nomination. Currently, GOP front runners John McCain and Rudy Giuliani are not beloved by the religious right – which will hinder their chances of winning the nomination. And Arkansas Gov. Mike Huckabee and Kansas Sen. Sam Brownback are loved by the evangelicals but have little name recognition nationwide-further hindering their chances.

Therefore, no Republican front runner has been “selected” by the party at this point – not even Giuliani. This allows Romney to introduce himself to the world as a fiscal and social conservative which allows for better positioning to become a more likeable candidate. During this time, Romney has wasted no time in waging a strong campaign by hiring tested advisors, creating a large war chest, and visiting key states throughout the country. How Romney uses this time will dictate whether or not he becomes the nominee for the party – obvious huh?
Thankfully his middle name isn’t Hussein.

However, there are a couple of issues that I think may prohibit Mitt from reaching Pennsylvania Avenue:

1.) Lack of Foreign Policy Experience. This will be a key factor in winning the nomination of either party in 2008. Between Islamic radicalism, Chinese interests, and a current bug up the Russian Bear’s behind, this country will need a sharp leader to get us through such challenges – and I question whether or not Romney has this capability. Although I did get a kick out of his refusal to provide Khatami a security escort a few months ago over at Harvard. Probably just made a few more enemies that we’ll have to conquer eventually.

2.) He’s from Massachusetts – not really a breeding ground for conservatives so carrying the state is a likely NYET!

3.) He’s a Mormon - I really don’t care but plenty of people in this country do. Kind of interesting that this wasn’t such an issue for Orin Hatch back in 2000, but I guess he had bigger issues to contend with – i.e. McCain and Bush.

By 2008, the American people will probably demand a president who can think broadly about an issue based on principle, and who can also build bridges to get things done. I think Romney can do it but there will be no endorsement from me at this time. It’s way too early for that.

Stay tuned.

For further reading on Mitt, take a look at the following links:


Huzzah! Huzzah! Huzzah!!!!!!

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